Cats and Laptops

Many cat parents are well aware that their feline is obsessed with technology, well, more specifically with keyboards. If you’re working from home or just surfing the net in the evening, you may have noticed that your cat spends a lot of time in front of you, like directly on your keyboard. We’ve heard many

Spring Pet Tips

Spring is right around the corner; open the windows, get outside, and enjoy the breeze! As you fill your calendar with more activities, you should to be aware of a few outdoor pet hazards. Here is a rundown: Bugs: Warmer weather means more bugs, including fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes, which can cause heartworm. Be sure

Cat Security

Home is where most of us feel safe and secure, and it’s important that our pets feel the same way. So if you have a shy or new cat, how can you gain Fluffy’s trust and make her home a peaceful, safe place? Believe it or not, have a schedule. Most of our pets thrive

Fight The Infections!

Urinary Tract Infections can be a pain for both your dog and cat – they can make our pets miserable. It’s essential to treat a UTI quickly because not only are they painful but can cause serious complications. Your pet’s urinary tract system removes waste from their body through the kidneys. If they have a

Rainy Day Play

If you have an active pet, rainy days can be plenty dull for them; not many of us want to walk in the pouring rain, nor do our pets. Here are some tips for keeping Rover and Fluffy occupied during a stretch of bad weather. Some dogs love chewing, and it uses a lot of

Great Pet Links!

February is: Pet Dental Health MonthCat Health MonthSpay & Neuter Awareness Month Keep Your Pet Safe On Valentine’s DayShould You Spay/Neuter Your PetCelebrate Valentine’s Day With Your PetHow To Brush Your Cat’s TeethHow To Brush Your Dog’s Teeth

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